To Richard Parnell 2

07/06/2013 00:25


Open Letter 2 to the Parnell

Dear Dick/Richard/Rich


Letter 1


From the page “Wrongfully abused by "Beyond Bullshit", Parnells page


How come you allow a threat of sending viruses on your page:


Robishaw, really, you do not even know me or Angela but you want to give us a computer virus all because I said something about the awards? Really Wow this is crazy not sure if the authorities will think it is ok to say things like you did.


When we spoke out about our opinions about giving awards for anything to do with the paranormal and we felt calling these awards Paranormal Emmy’s was just wrong and so was the use of the statute, we seem to have stepped on some toes needless to say.  Listen the paranormal community is not Parawood/Hollywood. Although it is sure starting to look like that is what people are turning it into. I find that really crazy and yes, stupid.. Every Tom, Dick and Harry wants the notoriety that true stars have, and at times it is so funny.  Again, © 1995-2012 Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. All rights reserved. Emmy® and the Emmy statuette are the trademark property of ATAS/NATAS. We noticed you have changed the use of the statute and now call your “awards” Emmies”… Hmm I can change 2 letters and come up with a different word. If we were so wrong why did you change it?

I had written an open letter to Parnell about his comments, which I will link that first letter on here below.  He decided to create a page called, “Wrongfully abused by "Beyond Bullshit", on facebook. On that page I found my open letter to Dick without his comments from his posting on Beyond Bullshit. How can anyone understand what the open letter is about without posting the whole thing..  Sure nothing posted on what he said about my disability…  This is my chance to comment on their comments about my open letter number 1..

Katherine, jealous really of what? Send hugs, really…. Did not feel like hugs when it looked like he was making snide remarks about my disability, it is hard enough to tell anyone once you become sick and no longer can do the thing you use to. Don’t you point fingers because you were not on the page he was ranting on, I was, it is my page.


Lisa, harassment?  My open letter is to dick/Richard/Rich about his comments he made, I have a right to answer them and compose an open letter. He and his friends are the ones who came on my page and harassed, screen caps have been saved.


To Tresa, dear, for one I think facebook needs to start charging people who spam the pages with ads for one. Tresa, why when posting my open letter did you not add the screen caps of Dick/Richard/Rich’s comments, did they make him look bad? You cannot post a partial letter to be fair. Your husband came on our page which is fine he has a right to his opinion to a certain point..  His comments were left for all to see, but then he deleted them, we did not delete we love it when someone shows their true colors.  How can we twist people’s words when there are screen caps that speak for themselves….. Good grief.


Dee Dove, “Some People’s Children”?  What the heck does that mean?


Katherine, again with the jealously, none of you have anything to be jealous about… Being jealous of anything does not get you anywhere….  I have to LMAO about the TV thing…   I find it a joke… Hell we been offered to do radio but turn it down because I think most of the shows are just too god damn stupid.  As it looks CC or someone deleted a comment because you thanked her for something…..  Wonder what was deleted?


Now Thomas, just who in the heck are you? Never heard of you and really don’t want to get to know you, but it appears another threat is being made… Now it is time not to be so nice…….Now just what the hell are you going to do that makes me hide under the bed, are you fucking serious.. Just who in the hell do you think you are to make threats, “sucking my thumb” bring it on ass wipe.


Parnell please pass this letter to you to your followers.. Please get the story right. Please make sure when you pass this open letter just link to it so all the truth can be seen. Again make sure evryone sees the screen caps. 




These caps were taken of the same comments but on a different time so his avatar had changed.

These were taken to show where they came from. At the time I was not going to publish the name.

These caps are about dealing with the peanut gallery in Beyond Bullshit a page Angela and I have.  These caps maybe out of order and at times I, (tkay) comment as Beyond Bullshit. These caps are taken when we see them because so many times people will post insults and downright stupid shit and then they delete them. Many times they say we delete their comments, but they do not know we cap them to prove otherwise. Now we do delete comments that are meant for advertisement, we do not allow that on our page. Also anyone sending Angela or myself bullshit messages well they do get “reviewed” on our sites.

The messages

Funny thing we love Haunted Australia and would never ban him. In fact he is on both of our home pages.  He thought he could cause a problem but he failed.


Angela and I had a good laugh over these…